#Minecraft forge vs fabric mod#
A list of server-side mods for the Quilt mod loader including many Fabric mods (which are compatible with Quilt) and some Quilt-only mods. A high-performance fork of Paper designed for large servers. A lightweight, fast and extensible game server for Minecraft Minecraft Forge Hybrid server implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API (Cauldron for 1.12) Anti-cheating plugin for Minecraft (1.5-1.19, Bukkit/Spigot) Minecraft Forge Hybrid server implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Thermos/Cauldron/MCPC+
#Minecraft forge vs fabric software#
Minecraft server software fork of Paper to improve performance without behavioural changes. A stable, optimized, well supported 1.17.1 Paper fork. BungeeCord fork that aims to improve performance and stability. A Bukkit(1.16/1.18/1.19) server implementation on Forge using Mixin. Purpur is a drop-in replacement for Paper servers designed for configurability, and new fun and exciting gameplay features. Forge will always be around though, it won't ever not exist, but it's nice to get a lightweight option or different mods on Fabric But it depends on the mods your after, for content, quality of life, performance and more. When comparing fabric and Paper you can also consider the following projects: Many Forge only modders and Fabric only modders have supported both or moved to Fabric.

fabric VS quilted-fabric-api - a user suggested alternative.

From a user's perspective, if you want a config system, or standardized (not-TechReborn) energy api, this matters. Forge had a similar problem back in the 1.6-1.7 days (until it finally just got in the habit of getting people sick of having to deal with dependencies and just merging in a best extant normal-person library), but Forge could get away with that when the alternative was vanilla.

But it necessarily limits throughput at that Tyrant, and in Fabric's case, that lead to a generally slow level of progress on a lot of important aspects, partly because people spent a lot of time in Discord talking about making a perfect Fluid API, or Config API, and never actually got around to making one, and partly because once they were made it'd spend the better part of a year with things sitting in PR or only as an issue. Fabric's Lead Developer as a Tyrant philosophy isn't necessarily bad there are significant benefits to having a very unified vision and avoiding design by committee.